my latest books
"Re-Engineering the Chess Classics"
Nominated for the 2023 Book of the Year
"The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement"
"Game Changer" won the ECF Book of the Year 2019 and the FIDE Book of the Year 2019
Alekhine’s Themes – move it like Morphy!
Last weekend was my debut as a birthday present! A colleague asked me whether I would be interested in giving a chess lesson to his brother who had just turned 50 and who was keen on chess. Not only did it turn out to be a lovely Sunday, I also learnt a lot myself! The read more…
More nostalgia… Chess unites the ages!
My nostalgic article about a king hunt I played as a 10-year old and the effect it had on my future playing style ( inspired my “Chess for Life” co-author Natasha Regan to dig up an old photo and one of her key chess moments. The photo was taken when Natasha was 12, read more…
When we were young…
Looking through old albums for pictures for the website photo gallery put me into a nostalgic mood. Some games in your career take on almost mythical proportions in your mind. One such game is my game against J Thomson in the 1984 Thanet Major. I was very young – just 10 at the time – read more…
Interview with Alekhine
Just recently, I came across a couple of interesting posts about Alekhine. Have you ever wondered how the 4th World Champion sounded, and how he moved the pieces? Take a look at these links! On the Community page: 1938 radio interview with Alexander Alekhine On the site: Rare film footage of Alexander Alekhine read more…
"The secret of my success: with every move I force the opponent to think for themselves!"
- Alexander Alekhine

I am a Chess Grandmaster and writer, and one of England's top players. When I am not doing my job as an IT Consultant, I fill my free time with as much chess as possible

my work
Writing and discussing chess has always been one of my passions. I review chess books in a regular column for New in Chess magazine and have written 8 books myself. I also contribute to chess videos regularly.

contact me
I hope that you enjoy the site. I will enrich its content over time and would love to hear what you think. Let me know whether there are any topics you would like me to cover in my blog.
"How many moves do I consider when analysing? Only one, but it's always the best one!"
- Emanuel Lasker