Chess for Life On Tour! Gerrards Cross Chess Club

June 11, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

Wednesday night was Gerrards Cross club night so Natasha and I were there for the latest leg in our Chess for Life tour. We started this time with a tribute to the great Viktor Kortchnoi who died earlier this week. Then it was Natasha’s turn to help people discover their “inner Keithdom” through the always popular lecture “Play like Keith Arkell”.


Natasha demonstrating the Minority Attack at Gerrards Cross Chess Club. Photo by Adrienne Regan
Natasha demonstrating the Minority Attack at Gerrards Cross Chess Club. Photo by Adrienne Regan

Judging from the number of correct answers to the question “What did Keith do next?” we had lots of budding Keiths in the audience!


After a short break for drinks and book buying, I gave a simultaneous display while Natasha took on the early finishers at blitz! It was gambits all the way and a few fraught moments but in the end I managed to win all 15 games!


Matthew taking on Gerrards Cross club members! Photo by Natasha Regan
Matthew taking on Gerrards Cross club members! Photo by Natasha Regan

We’d like to thank Tony Ganner and the Gerrards Cross Chess club for organising the event so beautifully and for giving us such a wonderful welcome!  The next stop for us is the Casual Chess Club on 17th June. Catch you there!


Here are a few games from the simultaneous display. Apologies to my opponents: I forgot to write down their full names! I’ll add them as soon as possible to this post!


Sadler,Matthew – Peter Forrest

Chess for Life simultaneous, 08-06.2016


1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3.c3 Nc6 4.Nf3 dxc3 5.Nxc3 Bb4 6.Bc4 Nge7 7.Ng5 Bxc3+ 8.bxc3 Ne5 9.Qh5 N7g6 10.Be2 h6 11.Nxf7



11…Kxf7 12.f4 Qh4+ 13.Qxh4 Nxh4 14.fxe5 g5 15.0–0+ Kg7 16.Bc4 Rf8 17.Ba3 Rf4 18.g3 Nf3+ 19.Kg2 Rxe4 20.Bd5 Rxe5 21.Bxf3 d6 22.c4 g4 23.Bd1 Re7 24.Bb2+ Kg8 25.Rf4 Bd7 26.Bxg4 Bxg4 27.Rxg4+ Kh7 28.Rf1 Rae8 29.Rf2 Rg8 30.Rgf4 Rc8 31.Rf7+ Rxf7 32.Rxf7+ Kg6 33.Rg7+ Kf5 34.Kf3 a6 35.g4+ Ke6 36.Rg6+ Kd7 37.Rxh6 b5 38.cxb5 axb5 39.Rh8 c5 40.Rxc8 Kxc8 41.Ke4




Sadler,Matthew – Calum Harris

Chess for Life simultaneous, 08.06.2016


1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bg5 e6 4.e4 dxe4 5.Nxe4 Be7 6.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.Nf3 0–0 8.Qd2 b6 9.0–0–0 Bb7 10.Qf4 Bxe4 11.Qxe4 Qd5 12.Bd3 g6 13.c4 Qc6 14.h4 Bg7 15.h5 f5 16.Qh4 Bf6 17.Qg3 Qe8 18.Rde1 Qf7 19.hxg6 hxg6 20.Rh6



20…Nc6 21.Rxg6+ Bg7 22.Rexe6 Ne7 23.Ne5 Nxg6 24.Nxf7 Rxf7 25.Rxg6 c6 26.Bxf5 Kf8 27.Be6 Rc7 28.Qxc7




Sadler,Matthew – Geoff Naldrett

Chess for Life simultaneous, 08.06.2016


1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bf4 Bf5 4.e3 e6 5.f3 Bd6 6.Nge2 c6 7.g4 Bg6 8.h4 h6 9.Qd2 Qc7 10.Bxd6 Qxd6 11.Nf4 Nbd7 12.Nxg6 Qg3+ 13.Qf2 Qxf2+ 14.Kxf2 fxg6 15.Bd3 Kf7 16.g5 hxg5 17.hxg5 Nh7 18.f4 Rag8 19.Nb1



19…Nhf8 20.Nd2 c5 21.c3 b6 22.Nf3 Rh5 23.Kg3 Rgh8 24.Rh4 Rxh4 25.Nxh4 a5 26.b3 Nb8 27.dxc5 bxc5 28.c4



28…d4 29.exd4 cxd4 30.Be4 Nbd7 31.Rd1 Nc5 32.Rxd4 Nxe4+ 33.Rxe4 Nd7 34.Nf3 Ra8 35.Rd4 Ke7 36.Nh4 Nf8 37.Kf2 a4 38.b4 a3 39.Ke3 Nd7 40.Nxg6+ Ke8 41.c5 Rb8 42.Kd3 Nxc5+ 43.bxc5 Rb2 44.c6




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