Category: Attack

January 19, 2017 Matthew Sadler 1 comment

November and December have been crazy months, primarily from a work point of view but also from a chess point of view. On the 4th December I took part in the first Rapid Chess Tournament organised by the British Bangla Chess Association (     It was a fun day though the chess ended in…

December 8, 2016 Matthew Sadler 2 comments

When you’re near there’s such an air of Spring about it I can hear a lark somewhere begin to sing about it There’s no love song finer but how strange The change from major to minor Every time we say goodbye Cole Porter, “Ev’ry time we say goodbye”   Well that’s what I thought of…

November 17, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

F.D. Yates was a great admirer of Alekhine’s play as shown by his fulsome tribute in the Yorkshire Post of 29th November 1927 on the occasion of Alekhine’s victory over Capablanca: “After many encounters with Alekhine personally, I can say he has the pure love of the beauty of the combinations of the game, evolved…

November 17, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

We’ll warm up for this second article on Yates’ attacks with a beautiful combination, though you might argue against the rest of the game meriting an entry in a Best Games Collection!   Yates,F.D. – Colle,Edgar Hastings 1925/6   1.e4 Nf6   Yates had a poor score with White against Colle mainly because he struggled…

November 10, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

I would like to start this series of articles by examining attacks by Yates taken from his Best Games collection. Though none of them is perfect, they are a good illustration of Yates’ attacking flair.   The first game was played against Isidor Gunsberg at the 1914 British Championship at Chester and featured an attack…