An examination of an endgame arising from a sharp line of the Pirc. Grandmaster Matthew Sadler tries to hold the black side of the endgame against the Leela chess engine.

An examination of an endgame arising from a sharp line of the Pirc. Grandmaster Matthew Sadler tries to hold the black side of the endgame against the Leela chess engine.
We showcase excellent endgame technique from Stockfish against Komodo. It illustrates a key thinking skill that we should apply in our own games when struggling to convert a pawn advantage in a long game!
ck article is in our Engine Snacks series! Leela counters a positional squeeze from Stockfish by transposing into a double-rook endgame a pawn down. To my shock and surprise, this endgame – with Stockfish having a far-advanced a-pawn – was a simple draw!
Knowing this position and its unexpected result might save you a half point or two in your career!
Invigorated by preparing a training on endings for some keen youngsters, I’d like to share some general thoughts about activity in endings, and in particular in rook and pawn endings. Why are endgames important to study? Mastering endgames means understanding how to maximize the mobility and activity of each of your pieces, and understanding how…
I’ve been spending some time looking through Muller and Konoval’s “Understanding Rook Endgames” presents findings about King, Rook & 2 Pawns versus King, Rook & Pawn endings using the latest 7-man tablebases. One fact that amazed me was that the superior side wins 46% of King, Rook, a & b / g & h…