Category: The Endgame

December 16, 2016 Matthew Sadler 3 comments

A couple of months ago, I wrote a series of articles on King, Rook and Pawn vs King and Rook. In this article, I want to examine a couple of positions that show the practical application of the knowledge we learned. The practical value of building up a body of easily retrievable knowledge on K,…

October 28, 2016 Matthew Sadler 4 comments

While flicking through Alekhine’s collection of his Best Games, I came across this game against Euwe from the latter part of the 1937 World Championship Match. After an early exchange of queens, Alekhine won a pawn fairly quickly and I was intrigued to know where Euwe had gone wrong. As always, there were a couple…

August 11, 2016 Matthew Sadler 2 comments

After a quick win in the 1st round, the 2nd round at Haarlem was a considerably tougher struggle against the Dutch FM Rene Tiggelman. We join the game after 10 moves. Via a transposition, we have reached a tabiya of the 4.e3 Nimzo-Indian.     10…Bxc3 11.bxc3 Qa5 12.Bd2 Qh5   I’ve played the White…

August 4, 2016 Matthew Sadler 3 comments

My last round game at Haarlem against the Dutch GM Erik van den Doel was far and away my best effort of the tournament. It was played on board 1 when Erik, IM Quinten Ducarmon and I were tied in 1st place with 4,5/5.   Van den Doel,Erik – Sadler,Matthew D Haarlem Nova College 03.07.2016…

July 22, 2016 Matthew Sadler 1 comment

In the last part of our examination of the theory of King, Rook and Pawn against King and Rook, we look at endings involving a rook’s pawn (a/h). We shall examine 3 basic scenarios for rook’s pawns The White king supports the pawn with the aim of shepherding it to a queen. The White rook stands…