This super-quick video is in our Engine Snacks series! Nothing deep or instructive this time – just a fantastic move to enjoy! Hopefully ideas like this can inspire you in your own games!

This super-quick video is in our Engine Snacks series! Nothing deep or instructive this time – just a fantastic move to enjoy! Hopefully ideas like this can inspire you in your own games!
Engines are amazing at sacrificing material, both in attack and defence. Leela neutralises unpleasant pressure against its position with a fabulous pawn sacrifice leaving Stockfish with no winning chances. -All players should study how engines defend – nobody does it better!
We showcase excellent endgame technique from Stockfish against Komodo. It illustrates a key thinking skill that we should apply in our own games when struggling to convert a pawn advantage in a long game!
Komodo plays a model Grunfeld against Igel, pushing rook’s pawns AlphaZero-style on both wings to squeeze Black for space then cutting through Black’s porous kingside dark squares with a fine exchange sacrifice.
Any 1.d4 players who face the Grunfeld should note this as a model game: it’s a perfect example of what White should be aiming for!
This super-quick article is in our Engine Snacks series! Just a beautiful little tactical exercise this time demonstrating some awesome geometry! Spotting an idea like this quickly in a game could net you a brilliant point!