Category: Chess for Life

April 9, 2016 Matthew Sadler 1 comment

My nostalgic article about a king hunt I played as a 10-year old and the effect it had on my future playing style ( inspired my “Chess for Life” co-author Natasha Regan to dig up an old photo and one of her key chess moments.     The photo was taken when Natasha was 12,…

April 9, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

Looking through old albums for pictures for the website photo gallery put me into a nostalgic mood. Some games in your career take on almost mythical proportions in your mind. One such game is my game against J Thomson in the 1984 Thanet Major. I was very young – just 10 at the time –…

March 25, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

Since the book has appeared, we’ve been catching up with our role models to hand over signed copies and thank them for their participation. At the recent 4NCL we caught up with Jon Speelman, Keith Arkell and Ingrid Lauterbach. Thanks to the help of a passing English GM, we managed to get a photo of…

March 22, 2016 Matthew Sadler 2 comments

One of the nicest themes we discuss in “Chess for Life” comes up in the chapter on Sergei Tiviakov. In this chapter we discuss one of Sergei’s most significant contributions to chess theory: the 3…Qd6 Scandinavian (1.e4 d5 2.ed Qd5 3.Nc3 Qd6). While writing the book, I played the opening a few times to get…

March 15, 2016 Matthew Sadler No comments exist

Just through the door, the February 2016 edition of the new, glossy British Chess Magazine. Inside an article by Natasha and I about “Chess for Life”. To support our theory that rapid time controls are well-suited to experienced players, we each comment on a recent win from Rapidplay events! I discuss a win from the…